The Synergy team has extensive expertise in business setup and corporate structuring in the UAE. We aim to give our clients impartial advice on incorporation solutions, based on their needs and requirements.
New market entrants can focus on their business plan, while our team manages all relevant trade license procedures as well as post incorporation and PRO requirements.
Our services include: business set up through a range of jurisdictions including Mainland companies, Free Zone companies, and specialist holding (SPV and SPC) and offshore companies.
Synergy provides secure local partner and local sponsor services through corporate nominees shareholders, giving full operational and financial control of the company to the foreign shareholders.
Working with a range of clients from entrepreneurs to MNCs, we have made sure that our clients have the best structure available to make their business in the UAE a success.

Stuart Curtis Founded Synergy Group in 2014. Having been in the region for over 20 years, he understood a need for a reliable and knowledgeable business partner for companies looking to set up in the UAE. Working with George and Ghaleb Farha, Stuart developed strong relationships with a number of local corporate nominees to form Synergy’s trusted network.
Stuart worked tirelessly to build the right partnerships based on trust and capability – values that were non-negotiable and that are at the core of all of Synergy’s work then and today. Stuarts approach to the business was one of agility, innovation, trust and transparency – values which propelled Synergy Group to become one of the regions leading Company Formation groups.
Stuart lost his fight against cancer in 2018. His team now works in his memory, maintaining the standards and principles, which he worked tirelessly to bring to the industry to raise the standard of service levels.

One Stop Company Setup
We provide all the company formation services you need to get started and prosper.

Impartial Advice
Impartial and efficient service ensuring secure structures to match clients’ exact requirements.

Expert Knowledge
Deep understanding of Government Protocols and requirements for incorporation.

Embedded Relationships
Strong working relationships with government departments and ministries.

Tailored Service
Providing you the exact company set up solution to meet your long term objectives.

Unparalleled Network
Providing you access to a pool of trusted partners - local sponsors, law firms, financial services and more.